Monday, February 28

The Cure for the Lackluster Life

Monday Morning Musings Series: Mondays are arguably the most dreaded day of the week. For many they represent the beginning of an ever-growing to-do list and reentry into the rat race of life. If the aforementioned describes you, Monday Morning Musings (MMMs) are written with you in mind. Over the next six weeks, I will post new installments into the MMM series. It is my hope that each post will inspire you and invigorate your week with a bit of love and inspiration. My only request....Pay it Forward by sharing MMMs with those you love. 

Monday Morning Musing 1: The Death of a Lackluster Life

Seed what you need. These four simple words, spoken by an internet-famed motivational speaker, resonated with me in a peculiar fashion. The concept is simple, yet life-changing. It reminds me of an African proverb that says, "Gbogbo nnkan l'o l'esan." Translated into English, it means, "Everything has its repayment."

If such is the case, perhaps the cure for the lackluster life is to willingly give to others what you need most. Are you seeking love? Love others unconditionally. Are you lonely? Extend companionship to someone else. Are you broke? Give! Such acts are not committed simply with the thought of receiving a reward in mind. The Law of Reciprocity and the Power of Reciprocity is not the same, as the latter suggest that one intentionally gifts another only to receive a favor in return. To the contrary, one gives openly, loves more and seeds great friendship with companionship, not only to simply receive but to impact the lives of others.

The Law of Reciprocity permeates every culture, ethnicity and religious doctrine. It confirms that there is indeed a consequence for every action. Our actions set forth energy on our behalf. What energy will you set forth this week? 

Til next time...être bien!

Up next: The Laws of Adulthood



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