Monday, March 7

Specialization of Self

Monday Morning Musing #2

There’s only one you. There are no duplicates.  There is no other original. After you were created the mold was broken. No one can do what you do in the way that you do it. You are incredibly fantastic and uniquely created for a distinct purpose.  One should consider this exciting news!

In a world filled with copy-cats, imitators and insecurity, I consider it to be of great importance to honor the exclusivity of mankind.  We are phenomenal when we operate at our full potential. One of the greatest privileges of being human is that each day we have the opportunity to specialize in the science of self-improvement.  In my opinion, as Americans, we often miss the mark on this practice. Our focus is often thwarted by specializing in selfishness which is not the practice that I am referencing.   Instead, I am encouraging you to tap into the power of becoming your own competitor. 

When we learn to compete against ourselves, we learn a valuable and motivating practice that resides in every achiever.  Who else could adequately serve as your competition?  The truth is, competing against another uniquely created human being can only happen within improper context.  It is likening to the apples to oranges adage; both are fruit but their properties are uniquely distinct.  An apple can’t become a better orange, nor can you become a better Sharon, Hassan or Maria. Yet, when we become a fierce competitor against ourselves we learn to beat our personal best.  We begin to stretch our abilities outside of their comfort zone into greatness.  Though we will never fully arrive on this Earth (my opinion), we sure can move major mountains and affect real world change while we’re here. 

Specializing in you requires courage, perseverance and confidence.  It is a call to prioritization of matters of importance.  It is a call to embrace who you are and every drop of greatness that resides within in you.  So, this week choose to officially “do you”. Why? Because no one does it better!

‘Til next time…être bien!



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