Tuesday, March 15

The Beautiful Burden

It's not Monday...I know. Work with me...lol
Monday Morning Musing #3

It sounds like an oxymoron, but it's true, you have such beautiful burdens.  They fill your life with direction, passion and purpose, but only if you allow them to. What is it that captivates your heart? What do you lose sleep over at night?  What is it that seethes within you and calls you to action? Is there something that you feel others "just don't get" about you? Chances are those are the beautiful burdens of your life that seek to lead you. 

From  a very young age, I have always been burdened by the emotional suffering of others, especially as it relates to family systems.  It bothered me to see children raised in inadequate and insufficient environments. I was deeply disturbed by the growing absenteeism of fathers and overwhelming disengagement plaguing the marriages that I witnessed. Though I couldn't fully understand all of the consequences of such situations, there was a visceral response that prompted me to action. I knew I couldn't save the entire world, but if I could simply take time to listen to a friend talk about  the effects of their parents' divorce or encourage a teenage mother (and friend) to still pursue her dreams, I felt like I was lessening my burden.

In fact, the burden remains to this day. Albeit refined, enhanced and deepened, I am still burdened by the emotional suffering of others. I am sure my decision to become a Marriage and Family therapist came as no surprise to others. Nor was it a surprise to me because it the burden never left. The seasons have changes, people have expired and life has shifted but the burden has been constant. I have learned to embrace it and doing so has led me into wholeness in many aspects of my life.

I share this information with you in hopes that it will quicken you to give attention to the things that bother you most.  Perhaps, your burdens are calling you to a beautiful life filled with purpose and joy. This week spend a little time meditating on the thoughts, feelings and convictions that have remained throughout your life. I'd love to hear about your experience. Here's a few questions to get you started...

1. What is the one thing that angers me more that anything else?

2. What do I feel inclined to do even when I don't have the time, energy or resources?

3. What action, task or decision have I struggled with taking/making for over one year?

‘Til next time…ĂȘtre bien!

Update: I haven't forgotten about "The Laws of Adulthood".    A recent occurrence prompted my to revise the post.  Don't fret... it's coming. Thanks for your inquiries (and keeping me on my toes).



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