Monday, April 11


Monday Morning Musing #6
Somehow, this concept of "winning" has been grossly misrepresented by our dear friend Charlie Sheen. In recent interviews with various reporters, Mr. Sheen has concisely laid out his concept of "winning". According to him, "winning" is: having tons of beautiful women at your disposal, nice cars and lavish houses, embracing a life where you do exactly what you want with no regard for others and most importantly, pursuing this lifestyle with "violent hatred". He admits that his decision to respond in this matter derives from feeling misused and kicked around.

This comes as no surprise, as most people who are as reckless as he has become are often doing so as a defensive mechanism. 
In my opinion, Mr. Sheen is not winning. As his ratings raise and his popularity soars, it may appear that he is but  be not deceived.

True Winning
Initially, I planned to title this last Monday Morning Musing "The Power of Failing". After further consideration, I decided that "Winning" was a much better title. My intention is to share my personal formula for winning in contrast to Mr. Sheen.

For me, winning is getting up everyday and pursuing the purpose that has been set before me with extreme vigor, tenacity and tunnel-vision focus. The level of focus that I am referring to requires great sacrifice. It often means laughing a nay-sayers, missing out on events that you would like to attend, losing sleep and even losing some friends in the process. In order to truly win, one has to be CRYSTAL clear about their purpose and calling in this life. This vision then becomes that foundation for everything that you do.

More importantly, for me, winning is realizing that in the life of a believer there is no such thing as failure. Every life experience, failure and success alike, provides valuable lessons from which we can learn life-changing principles.  "Winning" is not about the amount of material treasures one can store up. However, it is about the everyday actions and impacts that create the total sum of a legacy that speaks to future generations. It's about having the relentless passion to pursue a purpose or dream with everything within you. Even Mr. Sheen seems to understand this concept, as he has pursued money and revenge with "violent hatred" (his words not mine). So, what's stopping you?

Are you winning? This week, spend a little time thinking about how you are "winning" or what changes you need to make to "win" in this life. We'd love to hear your thoughts! Share them with us by commenting below or Twitter (@lLoveLifeMusings). 

'Til next time...ĂȘtre bien!


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