I have a confession. Sometimes, I pray for something and when it arrives I forget that I asked for it.
I have an inclination to believe that I am not the only person with this issue. I suspect that there are many reasons why this happens. Perhaps it’s because we ask for things in the midst of a crisis and once cooler heads prevail, we realize it’s not as much of a crisis as we thought. Or, maybe it’s that we make a request to God and he answers in his own time, which may often be after we’ve moved on to other requests. There are times that I get so lost in my time with God and who He is, that all other cares fade away, including my immediate request. Whatever the case, for me, it often requires me to institute mindfulness to recognize the answers to my prayers have arrived.
The other day, in a moment of meditation, I realized that God has answered a major prayer request of mine. It was a revelatory moment. Right there, under my nose, was a major move of God and I didn’t even notice it! How could this happen? How could God change my world in such a major way and I not even catch it?!
As always, those thoughts led me to a trail of other thoughts that helped me to arrive at a few confirmations:
- God does indeed answer prayers.
- God’s love is unconditional. He meets our needs even when we’re not paying close enough attention to even say thank you.
- Mindfulness is essential in developing our relationship with God, and with others.
- Just as God is patience and unconditional in his love towards us, we (referring to believers) are called to extend this same grace to others.
Happy Friday!
'Til next time...ĂȘtre bien!